00: ► Feedback – Video

00: ► Feedback – Video

02: e: Feedback show responses

02: e: Feedback show responses

Within the Show responses tab you can view the responses submitted by each user. These responses show all answers to...

02: d: Feedback analysis

02: d: Feedback analysis

Within the Analysis tab you will be able to view a list of all responses submitted for each of the...

02: c: Feedback Template

02: c: Feedback Template

You can save sets of questions as Templates to make them available for other Feedback activities within the same course or other...

02: b: Dependence Question

02: b: Dependence Question

It is possible to direct the user to specific questions depending on a previous answer.  For example, if they say...

02: a: Feedback Question Types

02: a: Feedback Question Types

Under Edit questions tab, select the type of question from the dropdown. Add a page break: This option will put the...

02:  Creating the Question

02: Creating the Question

On Course Home page, Click on the Feedback Then click on Menu on Top Right Corner and Click “Edit Questions”...

01: e:Feedback After Submission settings

01: e:Feedback After Submission settings

Under After submission, Select whether analysis page should display an analysis of the feedback received so far to students once they’ve...

01: d:Feedback Question and submission settings

01: d:Feedback Question and submission settings

Under Question and submission settings, Record user names allows you to determine whether the feedback left by users is anonymous. Anonymous...

01: c:Add Timing to Feedback

01: c:Add Timing to Feedback

Under Availability, to restrict the answering to a time period, enable the checkbox of Allow answers from and Allow answers to....