00: ► Notification – Video

00: ► Notification – Video

03:d: Delete a Group

03:d: Delete a Group

Click on  button from a particular group on the groups dashboard to delete entire group. The admin can delete any specific...

03:c: Edit a Group

03:c: Edit a Group

Click on  button from a particular group on the groups dashboard. Edit Group name. To add new the users to the...

03:b: Upload a Group

03:b: Upload a Group

Click on  button on the group dashboard. Admin will get a file to download where the data can be entered as...

03:a: Add a Group

03:a: Add a Group

Click on  button on the groups dashboard. Enter “Group name”  in the pop-up screen. Click “ok” after the group name is...

03: My Groups

03: My Groups

This option enables teachers to create groups to manage specific requirements like project groups, groups for counsellors or even sections,...

02:c: Resend Notification

02:c: Resend Notification

Tap on  icon to resend the notification to different users. Previous Contents Next

02:b: Download Sent Notification

02:b: Download Sent Notification

Tap on  icon to download the sent notification. Previous Contents Next

02:a: View Notification Message

02:a: View Notification Message

This feature will help to check how many recepients have opened the notification. Tap on  icon on the view notification history...

02: Notification History

02: Notification History

Select on “Notification History”  icon on the dashboard of the home screen. Or Select “Notification History”  on the left navigation menu of...