01: a: Aiken Format (Advisable for multiple choice questions)

  1. Aiken format is only for adding multiple choice questions.
  2. Numerical Questions cannot be added.
  3. Images cannot be added.

To import Aiken format:

  • Create a txt file with the below format.
  • Click on import and choose Aiken format.
  • Select the Category / sub category under which you would like to upload or import  the questions into. For Example Physics Quiz 1 -> Difficult.
  • Select the the txt file  in “Choose a File” or drag & drop the file.
  • Press Import.
  • If all the questions are uploaded correctly, you get a message that questions have been uploaded and below you will see each of the question you uploaded. In case of an error, please recheck the format upload or import again.

Please download the template: aiken

  • The question must be all on one line.
  • Each answer must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period ‘.’ or a bracket ‘)’, then a space.
  • The answer line must immediately follow, starting with “ANSWER: ” (NOTE the space after the colon) and then giving the appropriate letter.

NOTE : The answer letters (A,B,C etc.) and the word “ANSWER” must be capitalized as shown, otherwise the import will fail

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