01:b: Upload a User

  • Click on  button on the user dashboard

  • Admin will get a file to download where the data can be entered as per the format and upload the file so that all the users will get added in one attempt.
  • The user data here includes – email id, user type (1 for Learner, 6 for Instructor, 10 for Department Admin,8 for Other Staff and 9 for Management), USN, Name, Profile Photo (URL for profile photo), Phone no, designation, section (regular section of the student), term (semester – 1, 2 3 etc), admission date, parent name, parent email ID, counselor name, counselor email ID etc.
  • Once the data is filled in as per the format of the file, it can be uploaded using upload button.
  • All the users along with the relevant data get added.

Please download the template: User Details

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