01:a: Add a Group

  • Click on  button on the groups dashboard.

  • Enter “Section name”  in the pop-up screen.
  • Click “ok” after the section name is added to create the group.

  • After that another pop up window will open to add the users to the group.
  • In Select Tab  You Can Add Individual User by clicking Plus Icon by Searching Name in Search box or Choose from Suggestion

  • In Bulk Tab u can add Multiple User to Group
  • The email IDs can be added one below the other or copy pasted one below other and click “Save/Add All” button below the screen.
  • The group gets created.
  • The admin can also see the users of the group on the right side of the screen after clicking “Save/Add All”.

Recommended approach to naming of the sections : It is recommended to name the sections (Group Name) as “Year DeptCode SemNo Section”. For example “2017 EE 4 A” means current year Electrical and Electronics department belonging to Semester 4 and section A. Similarly for 1st year students it can be “2017 1YEAR 1 A”

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