Students can submit assignment either by upload files or add media or students can add text directly into text editor.
Online text: Text typed into the Atto editor is automatically saved and the teacher can set a Word limit which will display a warning if students exceed it.
File submissions: Students can upload files of any type the teacher specifies. The teacher can specify the maximum number of files which may be uploaded and a maximum size for each file.
If online text submissions are enabled, then the maximum number of words that each student will be allowed to submit can be entered in word limit.
If submission type is file submission number of upload files can be limited, file submission size can be set and file types can be restricted. Enter a file type by a comma-separated list of mimetypes, e.g: video/mp4, audio/mp3, image/jpeg, image/png, or file extensions including a dot, e.g., .png, .jpg. If the file type is left empty, then all file types are allowed.
Recommended Approach : It is recommended to enable File submissions as Submission types. The teacher can download the student submissions and use it for later reference.