Embedded answers (Cloze) questions consist of a passage of text that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers.
To import Embedded answers (Cloze):
Please download the template: cloze_qn
Select a format from the list. Ex: {1:MCS:}
Add answer choices. Separate answer choices with a tilde (~). Ex: {1:MCS:Wisconsin~Minnesota~St.Paul Chamber~Philadelphia}.
Add credit for each answer. Percentage of points awarded comes before each choice in the form %X%. Partial and negative credit is possible. If no credit is awarded for an answer, do not add anything in front of it. Ex: {1:MCS:%-50%Wisconsin~%100%Minnesota~%25%St. Paul Chamber~Philadelphia}.
(Optional) Add feedback as desired for choices. Feedback follows the choice and begins with a pound sign(#).Ex{1:MCS:%-50%Wisconsin~%100%Minnesota#Correct!~%25%St. Paul Chamber#Incorrect. Would a chamber ensemble play Mahler?~Philadelphia}
Short answer
Select a format from the list. Ex: {1:SA:}
Add correct answer(s). Separate answers with a tilde (~). Ex: {1:SA:Minnesota~MN}.
Add full or partial credit to answers. Percentage of points awarded precedes each answers in the form %X%. Partial and negative credit is possible. Ex: {1:SA:%100%Minnesota~%100%MN}.
(Optional) Add a catch-all for incorrect answers. Simply insert an asterisk as the very last answer. Ex: {1:SA:%100%Minnesota~%100%MN~*}.
(Optional) Add feedback as desired for answers. Feedback follows the answer and begins with a pound sign(#).Ex{1:SA:%100%Minnesota~%100%MN#Technically the state is spelled out, but close enough~*#The correct answer is Minnesota.}
The only format available is NUMERICAL or NM. Ex: {1:NM:}.
Add correct and partially correct answers (a) with a tolerance (t) with the form a:t. Separate answers with a tilde (~). In the following example, the correct answer is 442 with a tolerance of 1. Ex: {1:NM:442:1}.
Add credit for each answer. Percentage of points awarded precedes each answer in the form %X%. Partial and negative credit is possible. Ex: {1:NM:%100%442:1~%0%440:0}.
(Optional) Add feedback as desired for choices. Feedback follows the answer and begins with a pound sign (#). Ex: {1:NM:%100%442:1#442 is used in France, Italy, Norway, and others. Germany, Austria, and many countries in continental Europe tune to 443.~%0%440:0#This is the standard in the US and UK only.}