01: b: Gift Format

  1. Gift format is for adding multiple-choice, short answer, numericals without multiple choice type questions.
  2. Images cannot be added.

To import Gift format:

  • Create a txt file with the below format.
  • Click on import and choose Gift format.
  • Select the Category / sub category under which you would like to upload or import  the questions into. For Example Physics Quiz 1 -> Difficult.
  • Select the the txt file  in “Choose a File” or drag & drop the file.
  • Press Import

Please download the template: gift

  1. Question needs to in a single line.
  2. The question comes first, then the answers are set in between brackets. The answer section for numerical questions must start with a number sign (#).
  3. In Q1 of the above example 2 is the answer and 0.01 is the acceptable error(both sides). This means that it will be graded correctly for any answer between 1.99 and 2.01.
  4.  In Q2 of the above example 150.75 is the answer and 0.75 is the acceptable error (both sides). This means that any answer between 150 and 151.5 will be graded correctly.
  5. One line gap between each of the questions.
  6.  If all the questions are uploaded correctly, you get a message that questions have been uploaded and below you will see each of the question you uploaded. In case of an error, please re check the format upload or import again.

Short Answer:

  1. Answers in Short Answer question-type are all prefixed by an equal sign (=), indicating that they are all correct answers.
  2. The answers must not contain a tilde.

Here are two examples using the simple method showing possible right answers for credit.

If there is only one correct Short Answer, it may be written without the equal sign prefix, as long as it cannot be confused as True-False.

Multiple Choice:

For multiple choice questions, wrong answers are prefixed with a tilde (~) and the correct answer is prefixed with an equal sign (=).

Multi choice with multiple right answers:

Missing Word:

The Missing Word format automatically inserts a fill-in-the-blank line (like this _____) in the middle of the sentence. To use the Missing Word format, place the answers where you want the line to appear in the sentence.

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